Demo PowerPoint slides

If you are beginning to learn or use computer presentation software, it is often useful to view a presentation that has been constructed by another. 

Online viewing:   The following list consists of PowerPoint slides that demonstrate the techniques set forth in the name.  They can be viewed online by clicking on them (the slides demonstrating the "layering" technique for scanned documents constitute very large files that take a long time to load, so be patient!).

Copying and deconstructing: To copy the slide so that you can open it in your own PowerPoint software (thereby allowing you to see exactly how the slide was constructed to achieve the result), open it on screen, then click on "File", "Save As" and give it a name and address on your own computer (example of location:  Desktop; example of name:  "lesser included offenses").  Open your copy of PowerPoint, select "open", then "desktop" (wherever you stored the presentation), then the name of the file you just copied.

Demo slides:  click on what you wish to view

Note:  Every effort has been made to reduce the size of these files to manageable portions, but they still take some time to load.  Be patient! 

(Don't forget to left-click if nothing happens -- YOU control when things appear!)

Last updated:
July 22, 2014

CAVEAT:  The information on this web site does not constitute legal advice.  It is intended to provide general reference material and should not serve as a substitute for independent legal research and the exercise of sound prosecutorial judgment.  Unless specifically designated otherwise, nothing on this site constitutes an opinion of the Iowa Attorney General, the Iowa Department of Justice, or the Iowa County Attorneys Association.  Opinions on this site are slip opinions only and are subject to change before publication in the Northwest Reporter.